Powrót do strony głównej

Ekonomiści Polscy w Świecie

Askanas Wiktor

czwartek, 30 czerwca 2022

Wiktor Askanas
Professor, Strategy
Ph.D., Polish Academy of Science
E-mail: askanas@unb.ca

WIKTOR ASKANAS - Professor, educated in Poland with Master Degree from Main School of Planning and Statistic and Ph.D. from Polish Academy of Science joined the Faculty of Business University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada in 1983 and is a member of the Strategy and Marketing Area. He teaches courses in Integrative Studies and Strategic Management in the MBA program and Organizational Design in the BBA program. Wiktor has received the Allan B. Stuart UNB Excellence in Teaching Award, the 3M Canadian Outstanding Teaching Fellowship, and the 2003 National Post Business Educator Award.

Dr. Askanas has a record of extensive service for the Faculty and the University and has chaired or been a member of numerous committees. He was Acting Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration (2004-2005) and a member of the UNB Board of Governors. He also served as Dean and Chief Executive Officer of, IMC, Hungary (1998-2000).

Prior to coming to the University of New Brunswick, he worked for a number of business organizations and universities in Poland, the United States, France, Mexico and Canada. He is a member of several Boards of Directors, and served as Senior Adviser to the Chairman of Polish Pension and Insurance Supervisory Commission. He is a co-founder and member of Advisory Board of Polish Institute of Directors.

His research interests include strategic issues in managing financial institutions, privatization, and corporate governance. He has extensive publication record comprise of several books, over 70 articles and 140 conference presentation. In 2003 by the decree of the President of Poland he became a Knight of the Order of Merit, in recognition of his contribution to the wellness of Polish Society.